Unreal Fellowship – Animation
As my last “unofficial” act as Dean of the Unreal Fellowship, I present to you the first animation centric cohort focused entirely on creating animation within the Engine. Over 110 individuals ranging from industry professionals, training and education partners and applicants from the general public completed a 3 week program emphasizing keyframe and mocap animation in the engine. Fellows were separated into 8 teams of 14 Fellows each where they constructed “exquisite corpse” projects designed to take the animated contribution from one Fellow and creatively merge it into the next Fellow’s work. The final sequences are equivalent to reels that would normally take months to complete and they are spectacular!
Fellows took 15 classes, listened to over a dozen guest speakers, attended hours of labs, and worked tirelessly with their mentors to produce some of the best Fellowship content to date. These classes will only be online until 20 October 2023, so if you want to watch them now is the time! The Fellowship instructors provide some of the best Unreal education out there.
I can not emphasize how incredible these teams are! Each short film encapsulates the spirit of the Fellowship which is collaboration, cooperation, and community! Every Fellow, from the very first iteration of the Fellowship to now, should be recognized as some of the best real time artists out there. I expect each of them to forge out into the industry sharing their knowledge and the Fellowship spirt to others as the Unreal ambassadors that they are.
Good luck to you Fellows! Your work continues to amaze me!
Brian J. Pohl – Dean of the Unreal Fellowship